>> Also, you have the problem that there is one PyPi -- so where do you put
>> your nifty wheels that depend on other binary wheels? you may need to fork
>> every package you want to build :-(
> Is this a real problem or a theoretical one? Do you know of some
> situation where this wheel to wheel dependency will occur that won't
> just be solved in some other way?

It's real -- at least during the whole bootstrapping period. Say I
build a nifty hdf5 binary wheel -- I could probably just grab the name
"libhdf5" on PyPI. So far so good. But the goal here would be to have
netcdf and pytables and GDAL and who knows what else then link against
that wheel. But those projects are all supported be different people,
that all have their own distribution strategy. So where do I put
binary wheels of each of those projects that depend on my libhdf5
wheel? _maybe_ I would put it out there, and it would all grow
organically, but neither the culture nor the tooling support that
approach now, so I'm not very confident you could gather adoption.

Even beyond the adoption period, sometimes you need to do stuff in
more than one way -- look at the proliferation of channels on

This is more likely to work if there is a good infrastructure for
third parties to build and distribute the binaries -- e.g.

Or the Linux dist to model -- for the most part, the people developing
a given library are not packaging it.

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