On Fri, Jan 15, 2016 at 11:21 AM, Nathaniel Smith <n...@pobox.com> wrote:

> Sure. Someone's already packaged those for conda, and no one has packaged
> them for pypi, so it makes sense that conda is more convenient for you. If
> someone does the work of packaging them for pypi, then that difference goes
> away.
This is what I meant by "cultural" issues :-)

but pypi has been an option for Windows and OS-X for ages and those
platforms are the bigger problem anyway -- and no one has done it for those
platforms -- Linux is not the issue here. I really did try to get that
effort started a while back -- I got zero support, nothing , nada. Which
doesn't mean I couldn't have gone ahead and done more myself, but I only
have so much time, and I wanted to work on my actual problems, and it it
hadn't gained any support, it would a been a big waste.

MAybe the world is ready for it now...

But besides the cultural/community/critical mass issues, pip+whell isn't
very well set up to support these use cases anyway -- so we have a 50%
solutikon now, and if we did this nifty binary-wheels-of-libs thing we'd
have a 90% solution -- and still struggle eith teh other 10%, until we
re-invented conda.

Anyway -- not trying to be a drag here -- just telling my story.

As for the many linux idea -- that's a great one -- hope we can get that



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