Citeren Kevin <>:

You are quite right! I now have this line in apc-hid.c:

{ "shutdown.return", 0, 0, "UPS.APCGeneralCollection.APCDelayBeforeReboot", NULL, "1", HU_TYPE_CMD, NULL },

and get this result:

# clients/upscmd -u apcmon -p pass123 apc1500 shutdown.return
Unexpected response from upsd: ERR CMD-NOT-SUPPORTED

I have attached the output of "usbhid-ups -a apc1500 -k -DDD > CS500shutdown.txt 2>&1" in case it is of value.

It is of value. The HID path I sent was wrong (it isn't in the above listing, so usbhid-ups will not find it). There is no "APCGeneralCollection" in your UPS. Instead of

{ "shutdown.return", 0, 0, "UPS.APCGeneralCollection.APCDelayBeforeReboot", NULL, "1", HU_TYPE_CMD, NULL },

the correct HID path should be

{ "shutdown.return", 0, 0, "UPS.Output.APCDelayBeforeReboot", NULL, "1", HU_TYPE_CMD, NULL },

Sorry about that.

Best regards, Arjen
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