As I feared, changing the group for ugen4.2 had no effect.
I used to try 'usbhid-ups' by hand under root account.
So the message still remains the same :
# ./usbhid-ups -a eaton
Network UPS Tools - Generic HID driver 0.35 (2.6.0)
USB communication driver 0.31
No matching HID UPS found

I wondered how the USB UPS are detected and if my UPS is described in
the source code. Any idea of where I should take a look ?

L'homme est visiblement fait pour penser ;
c'est toute sa dignité et tout son métier,
et tout son devoir est de penser comme il faut.
        -+- Blaise Pascal  (1623-1662), Pensées II.146 -+-

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