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The following page has been changed by NickTkach:

- This is just a quick first pass at a guide for getting Nutch running with 
Solr.  I'm sure there are better ways of doing some/all of it, but I'm not 
aware of them.  By all means, please do correct/update this if someone has a 
better idea.  Many thanks to [|Brian Whitman at] 
and [| Sami Siren at FooFactory] for all the help!  
You guys saved me a lot of time! :)
+ This is just a quick first pass at a guide for getting Nutch running with 
Solr.  I'm sure there are better ways of doing some/all of it, but I'm not 
aware of them.  By all means, please do correct/update this if someone has a 
better idea.  Many thanks to [| Brian Whitman at] and [| Sami Siren at FooFactory] for all 
the help!  You guys saved me a lot of time! :)
  I'm posting it under Nutch rather than Solr on the presumption that people 
are more likely to be learning/using Solr first, then come here looking to 
combine it with Nutch.  I'm going to skip over doing command by command for 
right now.  I'm running/building on Ubuntu 7.10 using Java 1.6.0_05.  I'm 
assuming that the Solr trunk code is checked out into solr-trunk and Nutch 
trunk code is checked out into nutch-trunk.

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