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The following page has been changed by NickTkach:

   1. Check out solr-trunk and nutch-trunk
   1. Go into the solr-trunk and run 'ant dist dist-solrj'
-  1. Get zip from [|] and 
unzip it to solr-trunk
+  1. Get zip from [|] 
and unzip it to solr-trunk
   1. Copy apache-solr-solrj-1.3-dev.jar and apache-solr-common-1.3-dev.jar to 
-  1. Get the zip file from 
 for SOLR-20
+  1. Get the zip file from 
FooFactory] for SOLR-20
   1. Unzip somewhere, go into java/solr/src and run 'ant'
   1. Copy solr-client.jar from dist to nutch-trunk/lib
   1. Copy xpp3- from lib to nutch-trunk/lib
-  1. Get from 
[|FooFactory patch] 
and copy it to nutch-trunk/src/java/org/apache/nutch/indexer
+  1. Get from 
[| FooFactory patch] 
and copy it to nutch-trunk/src/java/org/apache/nutch/indexer
     * Edit nutch-trunk/src/java/org/apache/nutch/indexer/
     * Replace int res = new SolrIndexer().doMain(NutchConfiguration.create(), 
args); with int res =, new 
SolrIndexer(), args);
   1. Edit the imports to pick up ToolRunner
   1. Edit nutch-trunk/src/java/org/apache/nutch/indexer/ changing 
scope on LuceneDocumentWrapper from private to protected
   1. Configure nutch-trunk/conf/nutch-site.xml with settings for your site 
including a value for property indexer.solr.url (something like 
   1. Configure some url(s) to crawl (files in a urls directory)
-  1. Copy [| script] 
from FooFactory and copy it to nutch-trunk/bin (editing if needed)
+  1. Copy [| 
script] from FooFactory and copy it to nutch-trunk/bin (editing if needed)
   1. Start a Solr server (such as the solr-trunk/example instance)
   1. Run a Nutch crawl using the bin/ script.

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