Chris Mattmann wrote:
> +1
> So, to summarize, the proposed resolution is:
> * add flag field in Configuration instance to signify whether or not a
> SEVERE error has been logged within a task's context

Yes, preferably define this as a public static final String-s in 
NutchConfiguration, both the field name and this special field value. 
The value should be a (short) string too, to minimize conversions 
from/to other formats.

> * check this field within the fetcher to determine whether or not to stop
> the fetcher, just for that fetching task identified by its Configuration
> (and no others)


> Is this representative of what you're proposing Andrzej? If so, I'd like to
> take the lead on contributing a small patch that handles this, and then it
> would be great if people like Scott could test this out in their existing
> environments where this error was manifesting itself.
> Thanks!
> Cheers,
>   Chris
> (BTW: would you like me to re-open the JIRA issue, or do you want to do it?)

Sure, feel free to follow-up on this to its conclusion :)

Best regards,
Andrzej Bialecki     <><
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[__ || __|__/|__||\/|  Information Retrieval, Semantic Web
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