Oops, Sorry. My bad. Think I meant SolrIndex not SolrInjector. Best check though! (away from my 'puter right now) If you run bin/nutch you will get a list of all the commands you can use. Pfft, so much for my howto skills!


On 7 Mar 2009, at 07:09, Tony Wang <ivyt...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Andy,

Sorry to bum this message again. I think I did everything right except the SolrInjector part. However, from another thread, mentioned by Toby: Maybe I should run as below after crawling data in nutch (as indicated in your step

bin/nutch *org.apache.nutch.indexer.solr.SolrIndexer*
http://localhost:8080/solr/ /opt/tomcat6/webapps/nutch/data/crawldb

Then I run this: './crawl.sh data' (data is the folder that I store my crawl data). According to Toby again, this should put my nutch index in Solr
instances. However, when I do a search in the admin of Solr (
http://localhost:8080/solr/admin), any term doesn't yield any result though.

I think I'm getting closer to get nutch/solr integration done, but still
need a little bit clarification. Thanks!!!


2009/3/6 Andrew Smith <theid...@idrinktoomuch.org>

This works, (with the dev trunk. if you're using the 0.9 release then
there's a full tutorial on the nutch wiki) but it's not particularly
refined. I'm assuming you've got a working nutch crawl or whatever already.

 1. Get yourself a working solr test server running using the Getting
 Started section of the tutorial :
 2. modify the solr schema using the one found at

http://blog.foofactory.fi/2007/02/online-indexing-integrating-nutch-with.html(There's <http://blog.foofactory.fi/2007/02/online-indexing-integrating-nutch-with.html%28There%27s >
a missing field called boost with a type of int. There may well be
a more up to date version of the schema somewhere which doesn't have this
3. run your inject/fetch (or crawl, which will index unnecessarily but
 hey ho, it's simple...)
 4. run bin/nutch SolrInjector

Sorry, that's kida vague. You'll have to work out what parameters the
SolrInjector job wants for yourself, but if I can work it out then anyone
can! (well OK. maybe not my mum but apart from her...)


2009/3/6 Tony Wang <ivyt...@gmail.com>

Hi all,

For those on the Solr user list who have already seen my question about Nutch/Solr integration, I want to apologize for the redundant messages
don't mean to spam the two mailing lists. I have been desperately seeking
information/documentation on making Nutch crawl for Solr indexing.

So my question here is: Was anyone on the list able to make Solr use
crawl data? If yes, could you please share it with me and the rest of us?
sincerely appreciate any input.

Thanks in advance!


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