New York County (in N.Y. City) including Manhattan, Randall’s Island, & 
Governors Island
Sunday, June 12 through Thursday, June 16th -

In a period with increasing vigilance over nesting birds as well of as various 
visitants (which In N.Y. County can include a fair number of species on summer 
days as well as for some, nights), there’ve been a goodly number of 
locally-interesting observations.  

An American Oystercatcher came along by Governors Island on Sunday, June 12th. 
This species is still exceedingly-rare for N.Y. County and it seems that 
Randall’s Island & Governors Island could be the 2 likeliest (even if not esp. 
“likely”) locations to seek out the species *in that county*.  

At least one adult Yellow-crowned Night-Heron has been somewhat regular for 
this week on Randall’s Island, and the documented-nesting Cliff Swallows also 
continue there and also by Thursday more than 1 pair of adults were being 

Multiples of Orchard Orioles are nesting in the county with a fairly-good 
contingent of the more-numerous Baltimore Orioles as well.  Common Ravens 
continue in multiple locations, and Black-capped Chickadees in relatively few.  
The flycatchers present in the county continue to include at least 5 species - 
E. Wood-Pewee, E. Phoebe, E. Kingbird, Great Crested Flycatcher, & Willow 
Flycatcher, these 5 all attempting-to or nesting by now, and with Acadian 
Flycatcher at least still present and singing this week.

There were still at least a few Cuckoos moving-through this week, and of both 
of our migrant species, Yellow-billed as well as Black-billed.  For warblers, 
the lingerers have included at least: Magnolia, N. Parula, Black-and-white, and 
American Redstart, this last a potential breeder in the county, although 
less-so than for the following 2 species each of which seen in a number of 
locations: Yellow Warbler, and Common Yellowthroat. Very-late (Manhattan) 
sightings of Rose-breasted Grosbeak and Indigo Bunting area also intriguing.

There are more than a dozen White-throated Sparrows as well as a few Swamp 
Sparrows lingering in the county, none of these 2 species are the slightest 
likely to even attempt nesting, and both species are regular in summer albeit 
in miniscule numbers compared with their peak-of-passage numbers or for 
White-throated, the many hundreds that overwinter in the county each winter.  A 
very few [Atlantic] Brant were still here, too; it’s possible these could stay 
on, not headed off to the north to try nesting in this season.

Many, many additional species were present and also many nesting - some further 
notes, as the summer arrives and gets in gear.

have a cool Friday all,

Tom Fiore


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