On Mon, 27 Jul 2009 11:46:01 Grant Paton-Simpson wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> As long as the purchaser is willing to pay more up-front then that
> sounds reasonable.  With complex systems there is always an element of
> risk - the issue is who carries that risk.  One arrangement might be for
> the purchaser to pay a lesser amount up front and pay separately for
> maintenance etc as required.  The purchaser gambles that it might not be
> necessary and often they will be correct.  But if they want the
> developer to carry that risk then they need to pay for that.  And given
> that bug fixing can sometimes take a lot more resource than the original
> feature itself, the extra amount could be quite high.  It is unfair, and
> ultimately self-defeating, to expect both a cheap price and for the
> developer to carry all the risk.
> All the best, Grant

If it comes to the crunch and the case ends up before the small claims court, 
the customer will win in these situations.

At the end of the day no one outside of this immediate clique cares about 
esoteric terms and geek speak. All that counts is "did the customer receive 
what a reasonable customer would expect"?

If what a developer has supplied is full of bugs, they should front up and fix 
it at no extra change to the client. Trying to pass the buck goes against the 
the legal and ethical expectations in the marketplace, and many industries 
are being forced by regulation to become increasingly customer focused - real 
estate and construction being 2 recent examples.

I would think in instance of the web development it is better to face up to 
reality and self regulate.

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