Orie, thanks for the response


I’m still confused on this charter proposal as I read this charter it is to 
create architecture, patterns and definitions for electronic credentials. The 
charter should be free of any technology including W3C, if people want clarity 
about what an electronic credential is then they can help out with the 
definitions since that is an output, so I don’t agree with how W3C is mentioned 
in the charter. The way I read the charter is that interested parties will work 
on various profiles to map/profile various technologies to the create 
architecture, patterns and definitions documents, this will be done with 
various members that submit drafts.


Relative to WebAuthn what is produced is a credential, its not a JWT or SD-JWT 
but as the charter reads that is not the only credentials under consideration, 
if this is the case then the charter severely lacks clarity on what is the goal.


ISO is just another standards org, W3C, OIDF, OASIS, etc work with ISO with no 
issues, I assume profile will be created by various members that submit drafts, 
if no one is interested in mDL/ISO then that’s fine.


I still think this charter needs more clarity as I point out



From: Orie Steele <orie@transmute.industries> 
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2024 10:11 AM
To: nada...@prodigy.net
Cc: Roman Danyliw <r...@cert.org>; oauth <oauth@ietf.org>
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] FW: Call for consensus on SPICE charter


Hey Tony,


On Thu, Feb 15, 2024 at 1:36 PM <nada...@prodigy.net 
<mailto:nada...@prodigy.net> > wrote:

1) Do you support the charter text? Or do you have objections or blocking 
concerns (please describe what they might be and how you would propose 
addressing the concern)?

Not sure I support at this point, I understand the need for an architecture 
document with patterns and definitions, etc. 

There is a lot of work going on outside the IETF in this area such as the mDL 
work in ISO that already has patterns and definitions along with credential 
formats (mdoc)  and transports (ble/http/nfc). I don’t believe the IETF should 
ignore these efforts since most of the driving licence and passport 
communities/companies are adopting this as one of the standards that issuers 
and verifiers will use. The same is true for W3C WebAuthn.

WebAuthN cannot produce standard digital signatures, and so it cannot be used 
to produce standard digital credentials (for example it cannot be used to 
produce JWT or SD-JWT).
It could produce authentications for public keys that could be bound to 
credentials, but because of the origin binding in WebAuthN, this would not fit 
well with the "audience" typically used for digital credentials (usually there 
is no audience)

You might find this thread on possible relation between mDoc and CWT 


The architecture, patterns and definitions should be free from technology, I 
don't know why W3C is mentioned in the introduction as the only technology, 
this should not be in the introduction but along with other technologies such 
as mDL/mdoc, webauthn, etc when describing profiles. As the goal would be for 
interested parties to produce profiles of other technologies to fit the 
architecture document with patterns and definitions.

W3C is mentioned because some W3C members asked for a term other than 
"Verifiable Credentials" to be used... and they asserted the "Verifiable 
Credentials" implies the JSON-LD data model developed in W3C.

ISO was not emphasized because formal coordination would require contribution 
from ISO experts, and we have had relatively low engagement from them.

I believe that the WG if formed should also think about holder verification and 
patterns and attestations that can be used.


Interesting. I think this is covered under the metadata discovery deliverable, 
but if you feel it could be made more clear, please send text.


Also there needs to be a notion of a "reader/wallet/etc" that can potentially 
store credentials (not necessarily the user or verifier) and release/store 
credentials upon "user" consent.

This sounds like an application to me.
How do you see this related to "credential formats" or "issuer/holder/verifier 

There are other models than the 3 party that VCs use, so these also need to be 
considered in the architecture,  patterns and definitions documents to enable 
profiles for other technologies.

Agreed, OAuth JWTs/SD-JWTs, and ISO mDocs are examples we have discussed.
Are there others you would like to see considered?  

I believe in the 1st 3 items in Goals but  I don't believe it would be in the 
best interest to define a metatdata protocol, as this sounds like this would be 
a protocol for obtaining DID documents, there are already many protocols out 
there for metadata retrieval, not sure there is a need for another one, if one 
is needed for DIDs then that may be better done in W3C as this does not seem to 
fit well with the charter

Discovering attestations for wallets seems to fit here, why should URLs or URNs 
(DIDs) be specifically marked as out of scope?

For consideration, JWK / COSE Key Thumbprints are good alternatives to DIDs 
which have been standardized / are being standardized in the IETF:

- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-cose-key-thumbprint/

This charter seems to be very scoped to W3C technology, I understand that 
interested parties will have to contribute if they want to have other 
technologies included but the charter in general does not seem to allow this, 
so removing specific technology will allow this to happen.


We chose to use "Digital Credential" and "Digital Presentation" specifically to 
keep the door open to CWT and COSE Sign1 structures which are used in IETF and 

I would be happy to give provide specific text changes to the charter.

I think it would be great if you could offer text that refines your comment 
about format support, and holder/wallet metadata / attestations.

2) If you do support the charter text:

3) Are you willing to author or participate in the developed of the WG drafts?


• Are you willing to review the WG drafts?


• Are you interested in implementing the WG drafts?

I'm willing to see how we can use these outputs with the other industry 

Thank you for your comments.

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