Hi everybody,

I would like to clarify something that I read on your newsgroup this 
week that refers to CAN-BIKE instructors. Taking the 18-hour CAN-BIKE II 
course is only
the first step in the instructor training process. To teach CAN-BIKE I 
and Kids CAN-BIKE, the potential instructor must take an 8 hour 
instructor workshop specific to the course they will teach. According to 
the OCA the instructor courses at this level are 'recommended' but not 
required. At CfSC we have chosen to conduct the instructor courses. 
After the instructor course, the instructor candidate must 'shadow 
teach' the course (e.g., KCB) with a fully certified instructor, to the 
satisfaction of the supervising instructor. Only then can this person 
teach on their own. In order to teach CB II, the student must take CB II 
and pass with high marks. If the student acheives the required marks in 
all areas- classroom, on-road and skills testing, they are eligible to 
become CB II  instructors. They then *must* continue with the following 
training: take a 2 day instructor workshop, shadow teach a complete, 
18-hour CB II course with a certified instructor, who must provide a 
written evaluation of the potential instructor. Then there is a written 
exam (passing grade 70%), and candidates must ensure they have up to 
date first aid and CPR training. All instructors must join the OCA for 
insurance purposes. It is a bit of a process to become certified, yes, 
but this high level of training should not be compromised.

This information has been taken from the most recently updated (1999) 
CAN-BIKE Instructor's Manual, endorsed by the OCA and CCA.

I have taken CB II and passed with flying colours. I have been 
recommended to continue and become an instructor. I know my traffic 
skills are good, but I don't know much about racing. I have never 
competed in cycling, but would like to learn and do some time trials 
next season. So, I think the Learn to Race program the OBC offers would 
teach me new skills and I plan on registering in the spring. For racers, 
taught by racers. A different course with a different focus, taught by 
the experts. Nothing wrong with that. In fact, it is welcomed! I look 
forward to learning more.

I would also like to say that I did my first RLCT this summer and 
enjoyed it very much. I look forward to participating again in 2002.


If any newsgroup readers are interested in imparting their knowledge as 
a CAN-BIKE instructor, you are more than welcome to contact me at 
567-1288 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] I would be pleased to have more OBC 
members involved teaching cycling skills. With more knowledgeable and 
skilled cyclists on the road, there should be less trouble with 
collisions and irate motorists (let's hope!).


I hope this information has clarified the requirements for becoming 
CAN-BIKE instructors, and I look forward to hearing from potential 
instructor candidates.

Thanks for your time!


Jennifer Allen
Coordinator, Cycling Safety & Promotion Program
Citizens for Safe Cycling
251 Bank Street, Suite 504 (at Cooper)
(613)567-1288   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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