DJDAS ha scritto:
Hi Denis,
Hi Dario,
Do I have to take the git code or these features are already in the
current 0.10 version?

This change was made after 0.10 was tagged. So you'll need the git version.

OK, I'm pulling from the git, I'll let you know ASAP.

GREAT!!!! It worked!!! :)
It registers in less than one minute! :)
I noticed I don't need to call the Register method of NetworkRegistration interface but I just need to power up the modem, is it ok? I have another question but maybe it's my fault: I noticed if I want to hangup a call during its "alerting" state, I can't, the other party continues ringing even if I call the hangup method on the correct path ( /calypso0/voicecall01). What am I missing?
Thank you very much in advance, bye.

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