Hi Dario,

> GREAT!!!! It worked!!! :)
> It registers in less than one minute! :)
> I noticed I don't need to call the Register method of
> NetworkRegistration interface but I just need to power up the modem, is
> it ok?

By default the netreg atom registers you automatically.  However it does 
remember the setting, so if you choose manual registration or deregister from 
the network it will not attempt to register you the next time you reboot.

> I have another question but maybe it's my fault: I noticed if I want to
> hangup a call during its "alerting" state, I can't, the other party
> continues ringing even if I call the hangup method on the correct path (
> /calypso0/voicecall01). What am I missing?

This seems to be a peculiarity of the Calypso modem.  When using ATD on an 
uninitialized port the ATD returns immediately.  This means that 
dialing/alerting calls can be hung up.  However, we use CPI indications and 
for some reason the ATD behavior changes when this is used.  ATD now only 
returns when a call connects, which means we can't hangup dialing/alerting 
calls, as you point out.  There are a couple of solutions we can try, stay 

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