> i saw the sample code you posted some days ago. now it's clear how you do it.

The first step  ;-)

> ojb needs this field (better: the collection referenced by this field) to handle
>   the m:n-implementors in case of an m:n-relationship.

That's just the case. If I use the artifact of "virtual", the real field is no needed. 
will never be read neither writeen to database. Just referenced when querying the 

> afaik this should only be done if getCascadeStore() is true. imo the method
> storeCollections() needs some refactoring to separate handling of
> m:n-implementors, but that's another issue.

The setting of the keys in referenced objects are occurring always. That why I need to 
the line with "if" command in PersistenceBrokerImpl storeCollections method.
I've not tried this with M:N, but sometime in the future I will check it (as far as the
users get accostumed with this kind of facility, they wants more!).

> jakob

Edson Richter

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