We've done it, but instead of starting from an xsd, we start from an xml and
we generate xsd, repository, torque xml database, java classes aso through
multiple xslt stylesheets.


> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : David Hooker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Envoye : jeudi 12 fevrier 2004 23:27
> Objet : XSD to Repository.xml or Torque.xml
> I'm possibly about to work on something to transform an XSD into a
> Torque database schema XML file (and from there, Torque can generate a
> respository.xml), and was wondering if anyone has done something like
> this already.
> I've already generated my Java objects from the XSD, using Castor.
> I'm basically trying to take an XSD file and create a persistable object
> model and DDL - completely automated.
> Anyone done this, or any part of it?

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