Hey all,

new to ojb, i do have some experience with hsqldb and plan to migrate from sql to oql.

then i wanted to follow the quickstart at your web site and install db-ojb-1.0.rc2.

however i get stuck here about this error message after a :

nord-2-81-57-96-20:~/Desktop/db-ojb-1.0.rc2> sh bin/build.sh

raising this :

[echo] using switches: +JDK13, +JDBC30


file:/Users/yvon/Desktop/db-ojb-1.0.rc2/build.xml:983: /Users/yvon/Desktop/db-ojb-1.0.rc2/src/java/org/apache/ojb/odmg/oql is not a valid directory

the lines around 983 are :

<!-- ================================================================== -->
<!-- build OQL Parser classes from oql-ojb.g grammar -->
<!-- ================================================================== -->
<target name="oql" depends="init"
description="Builds OQL parser sources from ANTLR grammar file.">
<java fork="yes" classname="antlr.Tool" dir="${src.java}/org/apache/ojb/odmg/oql"
taskname="build oql parser" failonerror="true" > <<<<<-----THIS ONE
<classpath refid="compilation-classpath"/>
<arg value="oql-ojb.g" />

i should say i had to make a "mkdir -p src/java/org/apache/ojb/odmg/oql into "ojb home" from a previous error message.

the perms are the following drwxrwxrwx for the whole src and sub dir.

in case you could help jumping from this black hole °;))


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