Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
Łukasz Korzybski wrote:

Dnia niedziela, 14 listopada 2004 21:29, Thomas Dudziak napisał:

Ilias Lazaridis wrote:


NB 4.0 uses ant natively for its projects. To run obj-blank in NB:

New Project -> Java Project with Existing Ant Script

We need to choose project location and select build.xml
After creation, in project properties we can select build, deploy etc. targets.

thank you [note: the ant-target "run" works from the command-line, too]

Please use this slight corrected version for Tutorial 1:

    <target name="run" depends="compile" description="Run Application">
        <java classname="org.apache.ojb.tutorial1.Application" fork="true">
            <arg line="${application.args}"/>
            <classpath refid="runtime-classpath"/>

the application runs withing [root].

the application needs to access files within /build/resources

Can one make the necessary modification to the above ant-target "run"?

the modification: add " dir=".\build\resources" " to "<java..."

<target name="run" depends="compile" description="Run Application">
<java classname="org.apache.ojb.tutorial1.Application" fork="true" dir=".\build\resources">
<arg line="${application.args}"/>
<classpath refid="runtime-classpath"/>


Command Line: "ant clean build setup-db run"


application starts ok, with some debug output.

Then it enters a loop [must abort with CTRL-C]

[java] [0] List all product entries
[java] [1] Enter a new product
[java] [2] Edit a product entry
[java] [3] Delete a product entry
[java] [4] Quit Application
[java] type in number to select a use case
[java] null


Any ideas?



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