Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter wrote:
[moved down]

Ilias Lazaridis escreveu:

What is the reason, that

java -cp build\classes;lib\*.jar org.apache.ojb.tutorial1.Application
java -cp build\classes;lib\*     org.apache.ojb.tutorial1.Application
java -cp build\classes;lib\      org.apache.ojb.tutorial1.Application

And I just asked, _why_ this is invalid (or: why java.exe cannot do this).

Possibly one can point me to a location, where I can find the rationales behind this behaviour.
> Read basic Java documentation from Sun (link "Tool docs").

Cannot find it.

I would be gentle [against me and future readers] to point to the resource (which you seem to be familar with).

Best would be, if you point to somethin like: "Java Classpath Parameter - Design Rationales"



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