Daniel Perry wrote:
Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter wrote:

Check "Java Tools documentation" in Java docs (downloaded separately).

[I'm not interested in the documentation, but in the design-rationales. This is more out of curisity.]

I've often wondered if sun just got lazy :)
[...] - (further explanations)

I tend to agree with the laziness.

You should know this already:

your suggestions subjecting "the process of learning java" and "the
process of contributing to projects" did not have any relevance for me.

Knowing the basics of java, ant, etc will certainly help you in developing these kind of projects, and help you to keep questions on this list OJB specific!

To develope the project i like to develope, I need to have as less domain-knowledge as possible.

My questions _are_ OJB user specific, affecting the tutorials and the [QUICKSTART].

As you can see within this thread, the team had some difficulties to provide me the solution.

Now I know the reason!


But my main interest are of course the intros.



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