[Winona Online Democracy]

Scott Lowery's concern for Teen Employment issues which was part of online
discussions a couple months ago has prompted some more consideration in the
Business Education Partnership.   Please consider attending this upcoming
meeting or continuing the discussion around teen employment on line.  The
question isn't should kids work or not- rather is there a point where work
is too excessive?  And  what impact is this having in Winona?


Next meeting is March 7th 3:45 -5 p.m. Lincoln School Room 225.  Anything
you can do to invite business people who are employers of youth to this
meeting would be appreciated.

If anyone has further questions they may contact me at 452-7168 or

There has much concerned voiced about excessive hours that teens are
employed both from national research and by local educators. This is
summarized by U of Wisconsin-Madison Researchers. It seems there is a
tipping point after 14-20 hours where students academics begin to suffer-
there are more modest expectations  for learning and students cut corners,
cut classes, copy assignments, etc.   As students have more money there is
more likelihood of drug use. And although it is often purported that  work
builds character-excessive work can have deleterious impacts.
Kids are often "willing victims" clamoring for every hour they can get.

The Business Education Partnership is focusing on this issue trying in a
balanced way to prepare a message for students and families about the pros
and cons of work for youth in Winona.

Among some considerations are:

A. What are some of the ways that teens benefit from employment while still
in high school?
B. What are some of the ways that employment is detrimental for them?
C. What are the characteristics of a responsible employer of teens?
D. How would those characteristics translate into a set of guidelines to
which area businesses
could choose to subscribe?

Our next meeting is March 7th 3:45 -5 p.m. Lincoln School Room 225.
Anything you can do to invite business people who are employers of youth to
this meeting would be appreciated.

If anyone has further questions they may contact me at 452-7168 or

P.S.  If you have real audio on your computer.. you could listen to 2nd
hour ot Talk of the Nation on NPR 2/8/01... it's topic how much should
teenagers work. I think it goes off for about 15 minutes on Clinton and
then comes back to the work issue

   Randy Schenkat 1419 Conrad Dr. Winona,MN  55987  507-452-7168

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