On 1/17/07, Dain Sundstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I think we should ask our selves, what does a user expect to happen
and make that the default.  If every JPA implements this with the
loaded+fetchgroup style by default, and OpenJPA doesn't that would be
quite surprising to users and will most likely result in a lot of
lost hours in a debugger.

To be spec compliant, I agree with Abe that "loaded" should stay the
default.  Providing the other alternatives for the DetachState is great (and
it sounds like loaded+fetchgroup would be a nice addition), but our default
should be consistent with the spec -- regardless of what the other JPA
implementations do.  It's much easier to convince customers that we're spec
compliant with the defaults than attempting to explain why some other
default option is "better for them".


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