It looks like installation all nodes on one machine in one web server. I think it would be better to make installation steps for installing some nodes on separate machines (or at least separate virtual hosts to emulate different machines).

Our idea with that document was to make it as simple for the user as possible. This isn't meant to be a production CA, just one that can be installed quickly so that the user can get their feet wet with the software and start learning it.

The only web server hostname I can enter in --with-web-host= configure switch, but is it web host of CA, RA or PUB node? Maybe there should be more switches for each possible node (CA, RA, PUB, LDAP) and in source HTML and TXT sheets there should be full URL links.

We got everything to work by manipulating the values at the end of config.xml. There's places where you can specify all of the paths that you need.

Hell, we got 2 different CAs and RAs, with pubs and nodes, running on the same box with the same Apache server. Yeah, not optimal, but as I said, our objective was to have something that people could play with just to get started.

This was with RC4 of 0.9.2, by the way.


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