>>Adrian:  I have finished the voting cgi (except for properly handling
>>non-ascii characters and without some features I'll add later), however when
>>using Quid Pro Quo and Netscape Communicator 4.51, a couple of the pages
>>give "The document contains no data errors" in Netscape.  They work fine in
>>Internet Explorer.  Has anyone experienced this before?
> Anthony: Yes.
> Adrian: What causes it?
> Anthony: Improper output from the CGI. Possible screwed up headers.

I'm not sure how this could happen, the CGI is written in HyperCard and all
input and output is handled from the AppleEvents handler which calls
functions to create the HTML and return it.  It works for all but two
functions.  These functions turn out to return under 1K of text though
whereas the others are all over 1K.  Could this be a problem?

>>How do I fix it?
> Anthony: Give me a URL and I'll try and see what's wrong. You'll need to
> telnet into the server on port 80, send your own HTTP request, and then
> look at the output.

I can't give you an URL that you can access as it is on an internal server
only.  I can send you the stack though.

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