At 7:39 PM -0400 on 7/19/99, Alain Farmer wrote:

>Alain: We have a problem here though. It will be difficult to attribute
>a precise author for work done collectively. Who gets mentionned? In
>what order? If a hundred people participated, do they all get cited?
>If, instead, we decide to declare that OODL is the Copyright Holder,
>nothing is solved either because the membership of the OODL is in
>perpetual motion.

I don't think it would be possible, because OODL is not a legal entity. And
there are the problems with "who is OODL?"

And yes, it would be a mess to declare a copyright line with a hundred or
so people. It'd be an ever bigger mess, I'd guess, if we ever decided to
litigate against someone...

Most Open Source projects are copyright by a single person, or by the FSF.
But the FSF won't do it, because they'd only use the GPL's.

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