At 1:24 PM +0200 on 7/21/99, M. Uli Kusterer wrote:
>>Alain: YES and no. There could be some bickering. A difference of
>>opinion concerning the importance of the contribution made by someone
>>that wishes to be cited as one of the authors.
> in that event we would have the list decide on what to do.

Our choice would be to reject or accept the patch, because the author owns
the rights to it. If we reject it, we can't add it in. Now immagine if that
was a small fix to a long-standing annoying bug that we rejected. We could
_never_ use that code to fix the bug! Even if it were inserting a few
lines, we could get hauled into court for using it (or re-writing it after
having seen his fix).

Subjective decisions are not good. Neither is a list of a thousand
copyright holders.

We still need to get the enforcement & licencing questions answered, btw.

> Again, I hope there'll be some sane judgement on the list, and in cases
>where this lacks, we can decide on-list using votes.

And we can get hauled to court for it.

>>Alain: I suggest that the Copyright Holder's mail address be a mailing
>>list that forwards mail to all members that are designated as Copyright
>>Holders. Everyone gets notified, and the mailing list address and
>>server are maintained by the group (forever current).
> Trouble is, what if someone leaves OpenCard without leaving a new address?
>We should make sure that we're not stalled then.

Hah! I'd call that spam. We'd be sending out thousands of messages a day.
Everytime someone sends a message, a hundred copies go out... great.

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