On Wed, 10 Nov 1999 Alain Farmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> Eric: 3) so that metaCard can enter into a contract
> with us for use of their engine.
> Alain: The contract will be with Scott Raney as an
> individual, not with his company MetaCard.

Minor correction here: The MetaCard license grant to the "OpenCard"
group would be from MetaCard Corporation, not me.  Alain may have been
confused by an off-line conversation we had about my personal
participation in this matter.  If I choose to become a partner in the
organization (and assuming I was invited in ;-) it would be as an
individual, not as a representative of MetaCard Corporation.  While
the potential liability in being a member of the organization is
small, it's not something I'd be willing or able to bind the company
to (joint and several liability being what it is, MetaCard Corporation
would probably end up paying the tab if the organization was ever
sued).  But just to keep things simple, I think I'd prefer not to be a
partner, so long as that doesn't restrict me from kibbitzing on
various issues from time to time.

Scott Raney  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.metacard.com
MetaCard: You know, there's an easier way to do that...

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