At 1:18 PM -0800 on 11/10/99, Alain Farmer wrote:
>> Alain: We cannot collectively do anything
>> but partners can form commercial ventures on their
>> own. That's is what you are suggesting, right?
>Eric: Yes
>Alain: Will these commercial ventures contribute
>anything to the coffers of the group so that we can
>become self-financing?

What expenses would the partnership have? People could always donate, I

>Alain: Forking means that...
>Alain: Spinoffs are more like...

"First thing we do, let's kill all the language lawyers" ;-)

And, btw, you're wrong. Forking can just mean that you think there is a
better way to do it. It is not hostile all the time. Consider the (former;
it's now merged) gcc vs. egcs fork. The egcs people thaught that a more
open model would be better. So they forked. All code was still given to the
gcc people as well. And just recently, egcs became the official gcc.

>Eric: So, why not use a corporation? Expense - they
>cost around 300$ filing fee and about $1000 for
>lawyers fee.
>Alain: We could raise that much couldn't we?

Alain, don't be silly. We don't even have a produce -- or anything
resembling one, and you want to raise money? Hmmm... An internet company

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