> Eric, if it's a magnifying glass you need, 
> that's not much of a problem.

Alain: I forget what it is called but I once saw and
played around with a software gadget that allows you
to pass a virtual magnifying-glass over various parts
of the screen. But magnification is but ONE of the
possible functions of this gadget. I can act as a
dynamic filter that let's you focus on particular
types of information according to criteria set by you.

> We'll need something in this direction for 
> the FatBits view anyhow,

Alain: Right.
> so this would be very likely built into the engine,
> and would mainly involve a bit of multiplication 
> every time a coordinate is passed in.

Alain: Sounds good.
> Shouldn't be much trouble to put this into the HAL.

Alain: HAL, the silicon-based being that went berserk
in the movie 2001 - A Space Odyssey ?

> I do not think microsloth is a major worry - 
> because what we produce will necessarily
> be cheaper.

Alain: I have been over this many times but it bears
repeating that cost is not the only factor in our
competition with MicroSloth. If they were to take our
work as the basis for their own, then dramatically
improve on it and market it feverishly, then we would
be left in the dust, known only to ourselves!!!
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