>Alain: I forget what it is called but I once saw and
>played around with a software gadget that allows you
>to pass a virtual magnifying-glass over various parts
>of the screen. But magnification is but ONE of the
>possible functions of this gadget. I can act as a
>dynamic filter that let's you focus on particular
>types of information according to criteria set by you.


  don't know. There's a control panel called "Close View" that comes 
with the MacOS, and another one (can't remember the name, it had a 
control panel icon with a wheelchair on it) that allows controlling 
the mouse with the numeric keypad. I don't know more than that.

>Alain: HAL, the silicon-based being that went berserk
>in the movie 2001 - A Space Odyssey ?

  That's why I like this abbreviatio so much. Anyway, it's short for 
"Hardware Abstraction Layer" which is the not entirely correct term I 
like to use to refer to our collection of routines that handles 
creating windows etc. The advantage is that the HAL is the only thing 
that actually accesses platform-specific APIs, and thus is the only 
thing that needs to be ported.

>Alain: I have been over this many times but it bears
>repeating that cost is not the only factor in our
>competition with MicroSloth. If they were to take our
>work as the basis for their own, then dramatically
>improve on it and market it feverishly, then we would
>be left in the dust, known only to ourselves!!!

  I just think there's no practiceable way to prevent this except for 
GPLing it, which would again cause a problem with standalones, and 
some distribution inconvenience as we already discussed. If we can 
get a GPL variant that accomodates standalones, it might be better.

-- M. Uli Kusterer

        'The Witnesses of TeachText are everywhere...'

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