Sorry guys for the "help" message; Iīm alive and well - no grizzlies
around nor any other lifethreatening situation :-).

Actually I just subscribed to the FreeCard mailinglist and wanted to
browse the archives. In the wellcome message of the metacard-server
there is this note:

<Welcome to the opencard mailing list!
................................ snip
<To send a message to the list, mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  For
<help on dealing with the mailing list software send the message "help"
<to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  If you have problems with the mailing list
<itself and need to talk to a human, send mail to

thatīs it:
<Archives of previous messages are available; to get them send the above

<mentioned "help" message and investigate the "index" and "get"

How else do I browse the archives?

Thanks for your help (and thanks to Uli and Alain for the
emergency-room-like quick reply)


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