>am I missing something? Why not just use Statistics to do this directly
>on the vectors? I don't recall if it operates on vectors as 3 components
>or by computing the mean first; but if it does operate on the 3 components
>(not what you want) then do the mag first using compute then pass to
>Statistics to get the sd of the magnitude.

I think you are right. I made the fundamental mistake of thinking like the
user rather than the instructor, so made it twice as hard as it is. (:-)
Rereading it, it seems like he simply wants s.d.(mag(vector)), so as you
say, Compute(mag(a)) followed by Statistics. Thomas, if you need s.d of
vector components, do Compute(a.0), then Statistics. (or a.1, a.2, and so

Chris Pelkie
Practical Video, LLC
30 West Meadow Drive
Ithaca, NY  14850
(607) 257-8335

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