I want to visualize a number of cubes, each one having a single color.
An example qube is described as:

object "nodes" class array type float rank 1 shape 3 items 8 data follows
    1   1   1  #0
    -1  1   1  #1
    -1  -1  1  #2
    1   -1  1  #3
    1   1   -1 #4
    -1  1   -1 #5
    -1  -1  -1 #6
    1   -1  -1 #7

object "edge list" class array type int rank 1 shape 8 items 1 data
    5   6   4   7   1   2   0   3
attribute "element type" string "cubes"
attribute "ref" string "positions"

object "color list" class array type float rank 0 items 1 data follows
attribute "dep" string "connections"

object 0 class field
component "positions" value "nodes"
component "connections" value "edge list"
component "data" value "color list"

When I visualize this cube, I get the image I attach.
Why do I get this light blue color on the cube and not a solid blue color?
Is it because I do not order the edges correctly, or is it because of
the visualization method I use?

I want the cube to be solid blue. Is there any way to achieve that?

Thanks in advance,

Attachment: cube.gif
Description: GIF image

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