
You can set the following environment variables to override things:

DXARGS="-directory /workingpath"

.bashrc is not consulted from an app that is not started from a terminal. You can follow the thread on Apple's X11 mailing list for more information on environment variables and apps, see <>

Your best bet would be to place these variables in the ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist as mentioned here <>

By the way, you will need to logoff and login for environment.plist to take effect.

A technote from Apple talks about creating this file <>.

I just tried it out to make sure it works and it does as I state. I will make sure to add this to the documentation for the next release. It really is a nice feature. If you have the Property List Editor from the developer tools, it can help to make sure the syntax is correct.


Hey DXers,

I am running the Vis Inc. distribution of OpenDX 4.3.2 on a Powerbook
G4 running OSX 10.3.9.

I've got a bunch of macros and runtime loadable modules that I'd
like to have available every time I start dx. Similarly, I'd like
the working directory to be set to a particular location.
The standard mechanism (setting env variables) works fine if I
invoke dx from the command line. But if I launch it via the application icon or open a .net file, my settings have no effect. The variables
are set in my .bashrc file.

I'm able to make the macros visible by placing them under
        ${HOME}/Library/Application Support/OpenDX/macros
as described in the distribution notes. But I cannot make
my loadables visible, and the working directory is always "/".

Thanks in advance,


Joel Richardson, Ph.D.   Phone: (207) 288-6435
The Jackson Laboratory   Fax:   (207) 288-6132
600 Main Street          URL:
Bar Harbor, Maine 04609

David L. Thompson                   Visualization and Imagery Solutions, Inc.
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]    5515 Skyway Drive, Missoula, MT 59804
                                    Phone : (406)756-7472

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