I'm prety rooky running linux so I may need some help.

I'm running OpenDX on SlackWare linux.
I compiled it usisng ./configure, make, make isntall.
OpenDX seems to be running fine. I'll like to import some HDF and HDF files.

I've installed dxhdf5 (or think so). To do that I previosuly installed hdf5-1.6.3-i486-1rsa_10.1.tgz for Slackware using

/installpkg hdf5-1.6.3-i486-1rsa_10.1.tgz/

then I runned .//configure --with-hdf5-dir=/pathToHDF5/, /make/ and /make install/

while executing the make insatla I get teh new command to ran dx with teh new module.

/"dx -mdf /usr/local/dx/modules_linux/all.mdf


I run the command and I try to import a HDF5 file without succes.

I get: /"Operation not implemented: HDF libs not included"/

Reading in teh OpenDX page http://www.opendx.org/compiling-libs.html I suspect I may be missing HDF4.1r3.tar.gz

I try to compile it runnin .//configure/ which seems to pass without trouble. When I to complie using /make /y get some errors which abort the compilatio.

So the question is:

What do I really need to import HDF's and HDF5's on DX?

How do I make it work?


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