They've just said this:

"I just wanted to clarify some of the confusion over the mention of JavaScript in the post. Typekit isn’t using any sort of image replacement for rendering fonts on web pages. We’re using the CSS @font-face declaration to link to Truetype and OpenType files. We’re using JavaScript to simplify that process and account for various browser versions (like automatically swapping in EOT for Internet Explorer)."

So what is the big deal? They are charging people for fonts they have presumably licensed. If they are serving Truetype and OpenType files there is no particular protection for the foundries.


Liam R E Quin wrote:
On Thu, 2009-05-28 at 18:35 +0100, Dave Crossland wrote:
If they don't serve fonts, what do they serve?

remains to be seen, but I presume a mix of subsetted fonts,
EOT files, and javascript that draws on canvas elements,
or flash, depending on the browser.

The non-scaling part is that the master fonts live on their server.

But, we'll see, and I think good will come out of it one way
or another.



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