I can understand this, except for one thing;

Surely it would not be 'diluting' the OFL to reshape it  to bring more clarity 
to the licensing of this whole 'minor modification' space that webfont services 
are opening up?
Imo the OFL needs to be ever so slightly tweaked, but only to better protect 
the freedom of OFL'd fonts. That's not a dilution, that's a re-concentration.

On the other hand, expecting designers to rely on an external triggers such as 
'trademarks' to plug this issue, does seem to dilute the license.


On 29 May 2013, at 05:05, Victor Gaultney <vt...@gaultney.org> wrote:

>>> Perhaps the authors of the OFL could create such a text?
>> I think Victor has been quite clear that he's not at all interested in
>> diluting the OFL model like this,
> Yes - for the reasons Dave mentions, and the basic conceptual difficulty of 
> defining and evaluating what changes would be allowed.

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