On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 1:07 PM, Dave Crossland <d...@lab6.com> wrote:

> The ofl has no upgrade model, the authors have no resources to make an
> update, and believe the license provides for this situation.

Just curious: what would be an "upgrade model" and what "resources"?  I do
certainly appreciate the non-profit nature of SIL and how busy everyone
is.  But AFAIK, when other free software licenses have been upgraded, the
community has participated, and it sure seems like there are a lot of
interested parties who are willing to comment on these FAQ changes and
white paper.  And it seems rare that a license would be upgraded on any
sort of schedule; it's usually undertaken only when a real-world issue
triggers it or a really long time has elapsed.

Ultimately, that's orthogonal to the third reason mentioned, of course.
OFL is their license; no question about that, and it is and should be their



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