On Wed, 24 Dec 2003, Horst Herb wrote:

> On Wed, 24 Dec 2003 12:32, Andrew Ho wrote:
> > 3) My proposal is to build hubs from the bottom-up - based on OIO forms
> >    that are in-use. Analagous to building a dictionary - opposite from
> >    building an "universal" language. Let's learn something from
> >    the failure of Esperanto,
> A MAJOR point, and I see this failure happening all over again and again, be
> it in the domain of coding (where countless professionals have been mucking
> around for decades in the quest for the ultimate coding system instead of
> settling for a thesaurus like growing dictionary of terms) or in the domain
> of health record architectures


Well said :-).

> I'd wish we would settle for small independent modules all communicating via
> *simple* protocols (like XML-RPC via HTTPS or Jabber), using self-growing
> terminology dictionaries.

DrugRef.Org, FreeB, and ZSVG_Graph have already started this process. We
don't need to settle anything - just keep building these modules.

If they are easy to connect to, many systems will connect to them.

> I don't believe we need a monolithic architecture. All we need is well
> defined APIs to extract and submit data.

Again, I am opposed to wasting time discussing what is or is not a
well-defined API. Put forth a proposal via OpenHealth if you like, build
it, and maybe your colleagues will eventually try it and give feedback.
(Or just use it quietly).

By the way, I have been able to communicate with DrugRef.Org via XML-RPC
in Zope without issue. Great work! Look for it in a future release of OIO


Best regards,

Andrew P. Ho, M.D.
OIO: Open Infrastructure for Outcomes

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