Howard Chu wrote:
> Ryan Steele wrote:
>> Howard Chu wrote:
>>> autogroup isn't supposed to perform any expansion during searches.
>>> That's not what it does.
>> So, you're saying that dynlist should perform the expansion, and
>> autogroup
> just allows you to filter it?
> I'm quite certain I never said any such thing.

That wasn't a statement, it was a question, denoted by the question mark 
punctuation.  And, if the answer is no, can you
elaborate on what you did mean?  Or, perhaps answer the question I asked at the 
end of the post, which was regarding how
to achieve the desired affect, as you alluded to in, which 

Pierangelo Masarati wrote:
> Guy Deleeuw wrote:
>>  All work fine, I can retrieve the two group entries.
>>  Now, I try to retrieve the group which have a particular member
>>        (ExoMemberShipMember):
>>        ldapsearch -x -LLL -b 
>> "ou=groups,ou=portal,ou=www,ou=Exo,o=Eurofer,c=be"
>>        -s sub
>> "(&(&(objectClass=ExoMemberShip)(ExoMemberShipURL=*))(ExoMemberShipMember=cn=De
>>        Leeuw Guy,br=Internal,o=Eurofer,c=be))"
>>        And I receive an empty respond.
>>        Could you give me your advice about the feasibility of this kind of 
>> query ?
>    This occurs because you can't filter for dynamically created members, as
>    they get added to the entry while it's being returned.  So the dynamic
>    members are not present in the entry during search, when the filter is
>    evaluated.  You can only filter for static data.

You might want to look at the autogroup overlay

which will be included in OpenLDAP 2.4.8.

  -- Howard Chu
  Chief Architect, Symas Corp.
  Director, Highland Sun
  Chief Architect, OpenLDAP

> The autogroup Readme clearly states:

I have read the README.  I'm interested in the behavior mentioned in that post, 
if you could be so kind to elaborate on
the statement you made in it?


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