Thanks for your reply.  I had almost given up on help :).

Anyways... for the release version, only one table gets created:


It only has one row:

postfix=# select * from oma_imap_demo;
 mailbox | used | qmax |       acl
 shared  |    0 |    0 | anyone lrswipcda
(1 row)

It doesn't appear to have any sequences.

Now... from the svn version 544, it created all the tables listed
above.  Note that it created two sequences.  This is how PostgreSQL
handles auto-increment integers.  An example table (I used the prefix
oma rather than oma_ for the SVN 544 version) is

postfix=# \d omadomains
                                   Table "public.omadomains"
   Column   |          Type          |                        Modifiers

 id         | integer                | not null default
 owner      | integer                |
 domain     | character varying(64)  | not null default ''::character
 categories | character varying(100) | not null default
'all'::character varying
    "omadomains_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)

I suppose we need to work through the tables in the order they're
created and see what the problem is.

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