On 15:25 Tue 07 Jun     , Laurent Gauch wrote:
>/ >
/>/ >/If our ft2232.c patches are not merged quickly, Amontec Team will 
/>/ >/>/ come with a new specific jtagkey.c API driver  instead of the ft2232.c 
/>/ >/>/ driver.
/>/ >/>/ The advantage with a specific Amontec JTAGkey API driver in openocd, 
will be
/>/ >/>/ to see our patches merged in the minute, instead to wait 1 to 2 months 
/>/ >/>/ also the ft2232.c will still be usable for the JTAGkey.
/>/ >/
/>/ >This is the solution, you will have your own driver to manage then :-)
/>/ >But you will then create another DRIVER not API as the interface API
/>/ >is already set :-)
/>/ Yes, a specific jtagkey driver with a wrapper for the existing
/>/ openocd API ! Yes, that's the idea.
/>/ The user will be able to use the classic ft2232.c or the specific
/>/ jtagkey.c as a jlink.c!
/>/ Maybe that's the road to follow if our patches take so long time to
/>/ be merged on ft2232.c.
/except on jlink we have a 100% different API
All specific dongle interface (DRIVER) are based on the same API (known as JTAG API).
sorry but duplicate code is wrong and will never help the maintainnce
if no-one reply to your for some times the maintainer will have to take a
decision, as a Maintainer I do simple if it looks good and the code make
I apply it. If it break something we can fix it or revert it later

>/ >I think project needs more support in cleanup and maintenance at the
/>/ >moment, as there are some doubts on even more changing or complicating
/>/ >existing code, creating your separate playground for testing new
/>/ >features seems sensible.
/>/ You're right.
/>/ >Also if you want to make a release, make it
/>/ >happen, do not expect other to do the job for you. Please note that
/>/ >this is not against your ideas, the project simply needs to be cleaned
/>/ >up and restructurized because it gets more and more complex with new
/>/ >functionality that is still growing and can get out of control soon.
/>/ />/ >This is all kept koherent by only one (?) person that does not take
/>/ >money for all this time and effort to keep things organized.
/>/ OpenOCD should accept more maintener, with different maintener right
/>/ levels (layers).
/yes that could be a solution but a ft2232 maintainer MUST tkae care of other
hw design not be focused on one design only

Best Regards,

Amontec JTAGkey-2 Generic High-SPEED USB JTAG CABLE interface.

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