On 6 July 2011 13:52, Laurent Gauch <laurent.gauch at amontec.com 
<https://lists.berlios.de/mailman/listinfo/openocd-development>> wrote:
>/ Are you sure your Target JTAG interface is active in your low power mode ?
/You seams to be right (even if I have not found this information in
the user manual of the LPC2388 for the moment) :
>/From http://www.keil.com/support/man/docs/mcb2300/mcb2300_fp_ulink.htm
/I found  :
"The Embedded ICE in the LPC2000 core is disabled when the device is
in Power Down or Idle"
"ULINK stops working if your code puts the ARM device into Idle or
Power Down mode" (here "ULINK" is the name of their usb-jtag adapter)

Happy to know I point you to the right .

The Power Down are specific to the target vendor not to the ARM arch. ;-)
For me it is normal the target vendor disable the arm Embedded ICE core during 
the Power Down, by default.

Laurent http://www.amontec.com/jtagkey.shtml
USB JTAG programmer debugger for ARM7 ARM7tdmi-s

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