Hi All,

I've just pulled to the latest git versions of both OpenOCD and JimTCL, and 
have found that JimTCL is causing some issues with the OpenOCD makefiles:

1)      'make install'  no longer works unless 'make' has been run previously - 
there is a JimTCL dependency missing which causes 'make install' to fail with 
the following error:
make[3]: *** No rule to make target `../jimtcl/libjim.a', needed by `openocd'.  

2)      'make maintainer-clean' no longer works - this target is declared to be 
recursive, hence runs make on JimTCL with the same target, which seems to be no 
longer valid, giving the following error:
Making maintainer-clean in jimtcl
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `maintainer-clean'.  Stop.


Evan Hunter
Openocd-development mailing list

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