On Thu, Oct 11, 2007, Kolab Konsortium via Gunnar Wrobel wrote:

> [...]
>   Log:
>     Run libtoolize if you rebuild the configure system. See
>     http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.gentoo.devel/23449. This allows
>     to build gd on a recent gentoo system.
> [...]
>        %{l_shtool} subst -e 's;-LNONE;;' Makefile
>   +    libtoolize --copy --force
>        %{l_make} %{l_mflags}
>        %{l_shtool} subst -e 's;/usr/bin/perl;%{l_prefix}/bin/perl;' bdftogd


1. libtoolize is provided by the "libtool" package. If it is used, a
   dependency to the "libtool" package has to added, too.

2. running "libtoolize" _after_ running the "configure" script
   seems to be wrong and technically useless to me. If the libtool
   files really are out of sync and a "libtoolize" run should be
   required, it IMHO has to be done _before_ running "configure".

3. The above URL shows a discussion which tells that the generated
   files can be go out of sync if just "autoconf" is run. But the
   OpenPKG "gd" package does not run "autoconf" and it also doesn't
   patch "autoconf" input files (and so "autoconf" should be also not
   run implicitly). So how should the files gone out of sync here?

                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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