>what you can do as a workaround
>is to selectively use packages from newer OpenPKG versions. In your
>situation especially the "openpkg", "binutils" and "gcc" packages from
>OpenPKG 2.4.

The new packages compiled fine, however sasl still failed with the same error.

>Alternatively directly follow the error message advice and
>insert -fPIC into the CFLAGS of the sasl.spec file.

I think I managed to unpack, edit and repack the src.rpm correctly (I can see 
-fPIC option being used when compiling the sasl source) however it still fails
with the same error as before :(

Looking closer...

/kolab/bin/ld: /kolab/lib/libdb.a(db_err.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 against `a
local symbol' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC

...is recompiling sasl with -fPIC actaully the correct course of action? Or is 
libdb.a which needs to be recompiled with -fPIC instead?

Or any other suggestions?

And apologies for the HTML mail, was using my ISPs homebrew webmail. Finally
found the 'plaintext' option!


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