Hi Carsten,

Could you perhaps try creating your vertex shader with
> ShaderProgram::createVertexShader(true) [1] and instead of using the
> built-in vertex attributes in the GLSL code use:
> gl_Vertex ->    osg_Vertex
> gl_Normal ->    osg_Normal
> gl_Color  ->    osg_Color
this works like a charm for my color and normal issues on my ATI (see other
..but previous versions of OSG 2 worked also with the default build ins..
Using the osg attributes is fine for me, but I cannot expect others who use
my tool to not use the old build ins, except maybe display a warning.
When I have more time I will search for the version where it stopped

..regarding the single point issue, I don't think it is driver related, I
have the same problem on ATI and NVIDIA (both ubuntu 14.04).

thanks and best regards,
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