Hello Gerrit,

On 09.10.2015 12:52, Gerrit Voß wrote:
> I added a new OSGFBOBackground which takes a FramebufferObject and
> on clear tries to blit all color, depth and stencil buffers,
> either to the active FBO or to the window framebuffer.
This is really great. I will immediately take an OpenSG snapshot and 
look into it. However, I will be offline the next week and can not give 
you direct response, so.

> I only came around to do some quick testing, but it gives you
> something to start with (and ideally it already does what you
> need). I will do some further testing, especially on robustness.
I have started with an example as I have written. I think it can be 
properly extended to be part of the OpenSG examples when finished.

One point I have in mind with respect to robustness is the support of 
multisampled render context/buffers. But, I don't currently know every 
nut, bolt and screw in this area.

Thanks, and best regards,

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