On 2009-01-27 09:36:04 -0500, jjusti...@googlemail.com wrote:
> > Does anyone have any figures for how much it costs to host OpenSim 
> > regions in terms of hardware etc.? I remember the story about a Second 
> > Life sim alledgedly using more power than a typical Brazilian! What are 
> > the typical hardware system requirements?
> This is a perennial question which doesn't yet have a good answer.
> I do remember seeing a short page on the wiki somewhere on this but
> I can't remember the link.

Perhaps you're thinking of:


Of course, that's not necessarily a representative sample... of the
thousands of OpenSim regions currently running this page only accounts
for <20.  :)

To the original question: unfortunately it depends.  Depends on now
many regions per sim, how many sims per server, how many simultaneous
avatars will be in those regions, how many scripts will be running and
of what kinds, how many prims in those regions, etc.  There was some
anecdotal conversation on #opensim or #osgrid yesterday (don't
remember which) where people suggested not running more than 10
regions per sim.

One of the (many) nice things about OpenSim is that if you use the
grid-mode functionality then it's easy to move regions around to
different machines, allowing you to easily add hardware if your needs

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