I need more architectural advice.

I'm working on a client that has all the control over the agents. For 
that, it uses the sending part of the RESTInterregionComms module that I 
did a couple of months ago -- a module which now is clearly out of 
place. That module is not about interregion comms; it's about comms 
involving regions, but not necessarily *between* regions. In my case, 
it's between the client and the region. I'm "using 
OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Communications.REST" in my client -- horrible.

So, I want to break it down into 2 parts, sending and receiving. The 
question is: where should I place these two parts? The receiving part 
can continue to be a region module in CoreModules -- that's perfectly 
fine. But how about the sending part?

The sending part needs to be in a dll that can be used by other programs 
out there, just like my client. This is, in fact, what will make OpenSim 
interoperable from the  outside -- its use API, as opposed to the 
wonderful extension API provided by region modules. Should these things 
be in OpenSim.Framework.*? I was tempted to think so, but then I looked 
at what's in there, and it's clearly facing the internals. Should it be 
in OpenSim.Region.Communications.*? 
OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Communications.REST with sending and 
receiving parts as separate modules? (but then the importers of this 
will get all the other CoreModules as a dll, which doesn't feel right)

Your thoughts appreciated. Just think of what makes sense from a program 
that wants to use OpenSim libraries.

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